.net3.5 url编码_类别编码器v1.2.5版本

news/2024/7/7 14:32:19 标签: java, python, 区块链, git, github

.net3.5 url编码

This release was actually cut a couple of weeks ago, but I forgot to put a post here. It’s been a release of mainly incremental changes, but also one of increased contributions from the community, so while not a huge feature-packed release, it’s one I’m particularly proud of.  Here’s to more like this.

该版本实际上是在几周前删减的,但我忘了在此处发布帖子。 它主要是增量更改的发布,也是社区增加的贡献之一,因此虽然不是一个功能强大的发布版本,但我为此感到特别自豪。 这里更像这样。

It was around 4 months since the last release, which I think is a pretty decent cadence, considering our level of development.


Some highlights:


  • Andrethrill did some work to make the usage of binary encoding more stable when training/transforming on datasets with different counts of categories
  • The same thing got done in BaseNEncoder
  • Cameron Davison updated the type coercion code for Pandas DataFrames was changed to quiet some deprecation warnings.
  • Cameron Davison also did some work to ensure consistent ordering of categories in the ordinal encoder, and the encoders which use it.
  • HBGHHY added leave-one-out encoding, a new method for us, found on Kaggle.
  • Andrethrill进行了一些工作,以在对具有不同类别计数的数据集进行训练/转换时使二进制编码的使用更加稳定
  • 在BaseNEncoder中完成相同的操作
  • 卡梅隆·戴维森(Cameron Davison)更新了Pandas DataFrames的类型强制代码,以使某些弃用警告消失。
  • 卡梅隆·戴维森(Cameron Davison)还做了一些工作,以确保顺序编码器和使用该编码器的编码器中的类别保持一致的顺序。
  • HBGHHY添加了在Kaggle上发现的留给我们的一种新编码方式。

So if you haven’t used it already, check out category encoders, it’s great. If you do use it and like it, hop on over to github and join us, there’s always something new to work on.

因此,如果您还没有使用过它,请查看类别编码器,它很棒。 如果您确实喜欢它,请跳至github并加入我们,总会有一些新工作要进行。



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翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2017/11/category-encoders-v1-2-5-release/

.net3.5 url编码






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