
news/2024/7/7 14:34:51 标签: 大数据, 编程语言, 区块链, python, 机器学习

You’ve done it: you’ve finished a course or finally made it to the end of a book that teaches you the basics of programming with Python. You’ve mastered lists, dictionaries, classes, and maybe even some object oriented concepts.

您已经做到了:您已经完成了一门课程,或者最终完成了一本书,该书向您介绍了Python编程的基础知识。 您已经掌握了列表,字典,类,甚至可能掌握了一些面向对象的概念 。

So… what next?


Python is a very versatile programming language, with a plethora of uses in a variety of different fields. If you’ve grasped the basics of Python and are itching to build something with the language, then it’s time to figure out what your next step should be.

Python是一种非常通用的编程语言,在各种不同的领域都有大量的用途。 如果您已经掌握了Python的基础知识,并且渴望使用该语言来构建某些东西,那么现在该该弄清楚下一步应该做什么了。

In this article, we offer several different projects, resources, and tutorials that you can use to start building things with Python.


Free PDF Download: Python 3 Cheat Sheet

免费PDF下载: Python 3备忘单

其他人如何使用Python (What Others Do With Python)

You’re probably wondering what people are building with Python in the real world. So first, let’s take a quick look at how some of the big tech companies are using the language.

您可能想知道人们在现实世界中正在使用Python构建什么。 首先,让我们快速看一下一些大型科技公司如何使用这种语言。

Google is a company that has used Python from the start, and it’s gained a place as one of the tech giant’s main server-side languages. Guido van Rossum, Python’s Benevolent Dictator for Life, even worked there for several years, overseeing the language’s development.

Google是一家从一开始就使用Python的公司,它已成为科技巨头的主要服务器端语言之一。 Python的仁慈生活独裁者Guido van Rossum甚至在该处工作了几年,负责监督该语言的发展。

Instagram likes Python for its simplicity. The service is known for running “the world’s largest deployment of the Django web framework, which is written entirely in Python.”

Instagram喜欢Python的简单性。 该服务因运行“世界上最大的Django Web框架部署而闻名,该框架完全用Python编写”。

Spotify puts the language to use in its data analysis and back-end services. According to their team, Python’s ease of use leads to a lightning-fast development pipeline. Spotify performs a ton of analyses to give recommendations to their users, so they need something that’s simple but also works well. Python to the rescue!

Spotify将该语言用于其数据分析和后端服务。 根据他们的团队,Python的易用性导致了闪电般的开发流程。 Spotify进行了大量的分析以向其用户提供建议,因此他们需要简单但又可以正常使用的东西。 Python来解救!

You can check out this article to see what other companies are doing with Python.

您可以查看本文 ,了解其他公司在使用Python做些什么。

If you’re already convinced, then let’s get you started!


使用Python可以做什么 (What You Can Do With Python)

From web development to data science, machine learning, and more, Python’s real-world applications are limitless. Here are some projects that will assist you in finally putting your Python skills to good use.

从Web开发到数据科学 , 机器学习等,Python的实际应用是无限的。 这里有一些项目将帮助您最终充分利用Python技能。

#1:自动化无聊的东西 (#1: Automate the Boring Stuff)


Automate the Boring Stuff With Python + Al Sweigart


This is a resource on “practical programming for total beginners.” Like the title says, this book will teach you how to automate tedious tasks such as updating spreadsheets or renaming files on your computer. It’s the perfect starting point for anyone who’s mastered the basics of Python.

这是“面向初学者的实用编程”的资源。 就像标题中所说的那样,这本书将教您如何自动化繁琐的任务,例如更新电子表格或重命名计算机上的文件。 对于任何精通Python基础知识的人来说,这都是一个完美的起点。

You’ll get a chance to practice what you’ve learned so far by creating dictionaries, scraping the web, working with files, and creating objects and classes. The hands-on applications that you come across in this book will provide you with real-world results that you can see immediately.

您将有机会通过创建字典,抓取网络,使用文件以及创建对象和类来练习到目前为止所学的知识。 本书中遇到的动手应用程序将为您提供现实的结果,您可以立即看到这些结果。

This resource is available in different formats to give you the best learning experience possible. Buy the book on Amazon or read it online for free.

此资源有不同的格式,可为您提供最佳的学习体验。 在亚马逊上购买该书或免费在线阅读 。

#2:掌握比特币价格 (#2: Stay on Top of Bitcoin Prices)

Everyone seems to be talking about Bitcoin these days. Ever since topping out at a price of almost $20,000 in December 2017, the cryptocurrency has been on the minds of millions. Its price continues to fluctuate, but many would consider it a worthwhile investment.

如今,每个人似乎都在谈论比特币。 自从2017年12月以近20,000美元的价格创下历史新高以来,这种加密货币一直在数百万人的脑海中浮现。 它的价格继续波动,但许多人认为这是值得的投资。

If you’re looking to cash in on the virtual gold rush and just need to know when to make your move, then you’ll need to stay on top of Bitcoin’s prices. This tutorial can teach you how to use your Python skills to build a Bitcoin price notification service.

如果您想在虚拟淘金中获利,并且只需要知道何时采取行动,那么就需要保持比特币价格的最高水平。 本教程可以教您如何使用Python技能来构建比特币价格通知服务。

The foundation of this project is the creation of IFTTT (“if this, then that”) applets. You’ll learn how to use the requests library to send HTTP requests and how to use a webhook to connect your app to external services.

该项目的基础是创建IFTTT(“如果是,那么是”)小程序。 您将学习如何使用requests库发送HTTP请求,以及如何使用Webhook将应用程序连接到外部服务。

This is the perfect starter project for a beginner Pythonista with an interest in crypto. The service you build with this tutorial can be extended to other currencies as well, so don’t worry—Ethereum is fair game, too.

对于对加密技术感兴趣的初学者Pythonista而言,这是一个完美的入门项目。 您可以通过本教程构建的服务也可以扩展到其他货币,所以不用担心-以太坊也是公平的游戏。

#3:创建计算器 (#3: Create a Calculator)

This simple project is a solid gateway into GUI programming. Building back-end services is one important part of deployment, but there may be a front-end that needs to be taken into account. Creating applications that users can easily interact with is paramount.

这个简单的项目是进入GUI编程的坚实门户。 构建后端服务是部署的重要组成部分,但可能需要考虑前端。 创建用户可以轻松交互的应用程序至关重要。

If you’re interested in UX and UI design, then take a look at this tutorial. You’ll be working with the tkinter module, the standard graphical user interface package that comes traditionally bundled with Python.

如果您对UX和UI设计感兴趣,请阅读本教程 。 您将使用tkinter模块,这是传统上与Python捆绑在一起的标准图形用户界面程序包。

The tkinter module is a wrapper around Tcl/Tk, a combination of the Tcl scripting language and a GUI framework extension, Tk. If you have Python installed, then you should already have the tkinter framework ready to go as well. A simple call will get you started:

tkinter模块是Tcl / Tk的包装,Tcl / Tk是Tcl脚本语言和GUI框架扩展Tk的组合。 如果您安装了Python,那么您还应该已经准备好使用tkinter框架。 一个简单的电话将使您开始:

 from from tkinter tkinter import import *

Once you’ve got that set up, you can get to work on building your first GUI calculator in Python.

完成设置后,就可以使用Python构建第一个GUI计算器了 。

Practice using the tkinter module and watch your vision materialize on the screen. Then, once you’ve got your feet wet, you can branch out and start working with Python’s other GUI toolkits. Check out the official documentation on GUI Programming in Python for more information.

练习使用tkinter模块,并在屏幕上观看实现的视觉。 然后,一旦弄湿了,就可以分支并开始使用Python的其他GUI工具包。 查看有关使用Python进行GUI编程的官方文档, 以获取更多信息。

#4:我的Twitter资料 (#4: Mine Twitter Data)

Thanks to the Internet—and, increasingly, the Internet of Things—we now have access to hordes of data that weren’t available even a decade ago. Analytics is a huge part of any field that works with data. What are people talking about? What patterns can we see in their behavior?

得益于Internet(以及越来越多的物联网),我们现在可以访问成群的数据,而这些数据甚至十年前都还不可用。 Analytics(分析)是处理数据的任何领域的重要组成部分。 人们在说什么? 我们可以从他们的行为中看到什么模式?

Twitter is a great place to get answers to some of these questions. If you’re interested in data analysis, then a Twitter data mining project is a great way to use your Python skills to answer questions about the world around you.

Twitter是获得其中一些问题答案的好地方。 如果您对数据分析感兴趣,那么Twitter数据挖掘项目是使用您的Python技能回答有关您周围世界的问题的好方法。

Our Twitter sentiment analysis tutorial will teach you how to mine Twitter data and analyze user sentiment with a docker environment. You’ll learn how to register an application with Twitter, which you’ll need to do in order to access their streaming API.

我们的Twitter情绪分析教程将教您如何挖掘Twitter数据并使用docker环境分析用户情绪。 您将学习如何在Twitter上注册应用程序,然后才能访问Twitter的流API。

You’ll see how to use Tweepy to filter which tweets you want to pull, TextBlob to calculate the sentiment of those tweets, Elasticsearch to analyze their content, and Kibana to visualize the results. After you finish this tutorial, you should be ready to dive into other projects that use Python for text processing and speech recognition.

您将看到如何使用Tweepy过滤要提取的推文,使用TextBlob计算这些推文的情绪,使用Elasticsearch分析其内容以及使用Kibana可视化结果。 在完成本教程之后,您应该准备好进入使用Python进行文本处理和语音识别的其他项目。

#5:用Flask建立微博 (#5: Build a Microblog With Flask)



Flask Mega教程书籍封面Miguel Grinberg

It seems like everyone has a blog these days, but it’s not a bad idea to have a central hub for yourself online. With the advent of Twitter and Instagram, microblogging in particular has become exceedingly popular. In this project by Miguel Grinberg, you’ll learn how to build your own microblog.

这些天似乎每个人都有博客,但是在网上拥有一个自己的中心枢纽不是一个坏主意。 随着Twitter和Instagram的出现,尤其是微博客已变得极为流行。 在Miguel Grinberg的这个项目中 ,您将学习如何构建自己的微博客。

It’s called “The Flask Mega-Tutorial,” and it truly lives up to its name. With 23 chapters to work through, you’ll develop a deep understanding of the Flask micro web-framework. At the end of this project, you should have a fully functional web application.

它被称为“ Flask Mega-Tutorial” ,并且确实如其名。 通过学习23章,您将对Flask微型网络框架有深入的了解。 在该项目的最后,您应该具有一个功能齐全的Web应用程序。

You don’t need to know anything about Flask to get started, so it’s perfect for those of you who are itching to get your hands dirty with web development.

您不需要了解任何关于Flask的知识 ,因此对于那些渴望通过Web开发来洗手的人来说,它是完美的选择。

The tutorial was recently updated to include content that will help you become a better web developer in general. You can read it for free online, purchase a copy on Amazon, or have the author walk you step by step through his online course. Once you’re done, you’ll be able to move on to Django and creating even larger-scale web applications.

本教程最近进行了更新,包括了可以帮助您成为一个更好的Web开发人员的内容。 您可以在线免费阅读 , 在亚马逊上购买副本 ,或者让作者逐步引导您完成他的在线课程 。 完成后,您将可以继续使用Django并创建更大规模的Web应用程序。

#6:建立区块链 (#6: Build a Blockchain)

While the blockchain was initially developed as a financial technology, it’s spreading to a variety of other industries. Blockchains can be used for almost any kind of transaction: from real estate dealings to medical record transfers.

尽管区块链最初是作为金融技术开发的,但它正在传播到其他各种行业。 区块链几乎可以用于任何类型的交易:从房地产交易到医疗记录转移。

You can get a better understanding of how they work by building one yourself. Hackernoon’s tutorial will assist you in implementing a blockchain from scratch. At the end of this project, you’ll have gained an in-depth understanding of how this transactional technology works.

通过自己构建,可以更好地了解它们的工作原理。 Hackernoon的教程将帮助您从头开始实现区块链。 在该项目的最后,您将对这种交易技术的工作原理有深入的了解。

You’ll be working with HTTP clients and the requests library. Once you install the Flask web framework, you’ll be able to use HTTP requests to communicate with your blockchain over the Internet.

您将使用HTTP客户端和requests库。 安装Flask Web框架后,您将能够使用HTTP请求通过Internet与您的区块链进行通信。

Remember, blockchain isn’t just for crypto enthusiasts. Once you’ve built one for yourself, see if you can’t find a creative way to implement the technology in your field of interest.

请记住,区块链不仅适合加密爱好者。 为自己构建一个技术之后,请查看是否找不到在您感兴趣的领域中实施该技术的创造性方法。

#7:为Twitter Feed装瓶 (#7: Bottle Up a Twitter Feed)

Interested in building web applications but unsure about starting a mega-project? No worries—we’ve got something for you. Follow along with us to learn how to create a simple web app in just a few hours.

是否对构建Web应用程序感兴趣,但不确定是否要启动大型项目? 不用担心-我们为您准备了一些东西。 跟着我们一起学习如何在短短几个小时内创建一个简单的Web应用程序。

Bob Belderbos shares how he implemented the 40th PyBites Code Challenge, where participants were instructed to create a simple web app to better navigate the Daily Python Tip feed on Twitter. You can walk through his implementation of the challenge and code alongside him.

鲍勃·贝尔德博斯(Bob Belderbos)分享了他如何实施第40届PyBites代码挑战赛 ,参与者被指示创建一个简单的Web应用程序,以更好地浏览Twitter上的Daily Python Tip feed。 您可以与他一起逐步完成他对挑战的实现和编码。

Instead of Flask, you’ll be using the Bottle micro web-framework. Bottle is known as a low-dependency solution for deploying apps quickly. Since it is designed to be lightweight and simple to use, you’ll have your application developed in no time.

您将使用Bottle微型网络框架代替Flask。 Bottle是一种用于快速部署应用程序的低依赖性解决方案。 由于它的设计轻巧且易于使用,因此您将立即开发应用程序。

You’ll also use the Tweepy module to load data from the Twitter API. You’ll store the data in an SQLAlchemy database, so you’ll get some practice writing SQL queries as well. Fork the repo to get started!

您还将使用Tweepy模块从Twitter API加载数据。 您将数据存储在SQLAlchemy数据库中,因此您还将获得一些编写SQL查询的练习。 分叉仓库开始使用!

#8:玩PyGames (#8: Play PyGames)

This one is for those of you who like to have fun! Python can be used to code a variety of arcade games, adventure games, and puzzle games that you can deploy within a few days. Classics like hangman, tic-tac-toe, ping-pong, and more are all doable with your newly acquired programming skills.

这是给那些喜欢玩的人的! Python可用于编码各种可以在几天内部署的街机游戏,冒险游戏和益智游戏。 子手,井字游戏,乒乓球等经典游戏都可以通过您新掌握的编程技能来实现。

The Pygame library makes it even easier to build your own games. It contains almost anything you could need when starting to develop a game.

Pygame库使构建自己的游戏变得更加容易。 它包含了您开始开发游戏时所需的几乎所有内容。

Pygame is free and open source. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries that you can use to add interactive functionality to your application.

Pygame是免费的开放源代码。 它包括计算机图形和声音库,可用于向应用程序添加交互式功能。

There are scores of games you can create with the library. Whatever you choose to invent, feel free to share your stuff with the Pygame community!

您可以使用该库创建许多游戏 。 无论您选择哪种发明,都可以随时与Pygame社区分享您的东西!

#9:选择自己的冒险 (#9: Choose Your Own Adventure)

If you’re more into storytelling, then you can still build something cool with Python.


The language is extremely easy to write in, which makes it the perfect environment for developing interactive fiction. This free resource will guide you through the process of writing a text-based adventure game in Python.

该语言非常易于编写,这使其成为开发交互式小说的理想环境。 该免费资源将指导您完成用Python编写基于文本的冒险游戏的过程。

The tutorial assumes basic knowledge of programming in Python, but it helps you bridge the gap between what you know and how to use that knowledge to build an application.


If you want to take your story to the next level, you can use a software engine like Ren’Py to add sounds and images to your game, creating a full-fledged visual novel. (Then, you can put it up on Steam and see how it does! The best way to get feedback on your work is to release your creation out into the world.)

如果您想使故事更上一层楼 ,则可以使用Ren'Py之类的软件引擎为游戏添加声音和图像,从而制作出完整的视觉小说。 (然后,您可以将其放在Steam上,看看它是如何工作的!获得对您的工作的反馈的最好方法是将您的创作发布到全世界。)

#10:说“ Hello World!” 机器学习 (#10: Say “Hello World!” to Machine Learning)

Machine Learning can be a critical field of understanding for anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence. However, it can be intimidating to get started, because the space is fast and ever-changing.

对于任何对人工智能感兴趣的人,机器学习都是一个关键的理解领域。 但是,起步可能令人生畏,因为空间是快速变化的。

Luckily, there are resources online that can help you get your feet wet before you dive into the world of data science. This tutorial by Jason Brownlee is a wonderful introduction to using Python for machine learning.

幸运的是,在线上有很多资源可以帮助您在进入数据科学世界之前先行一步。 Jason Brownlee撰写的本教程是使用Python进行机器学习的精彩介绍。

You’ll walk through some of the most common machine learning algorithms as well as the Python libraries that will assist you in making predictions.


The tutorial is extremely simple and very easy to follow. You can complete it in as little as a few hours. By the time you’re done, you’ll have gained a quick understanding of how to use Python to perform data science.

本教程非常简单,也非常容易遵循。 您可以在短短几个小时内完成。 到您完成时,您将快速了解如何使用Python执行数据科学。

When you’re sure you’re ready to dive in, check out our stock of data science tutorials, where you’ll learn how to analyze fingerprints, create visualizations, and recognize speech and faces, all in Python.

当您确定可以开始学习时,请查看我们的数据科学教程库存 ,在这里您将学习如何使用Python分析指纹,创建可视化效果以及识别语音和面部表情。

#11:挑战 (#11: Get Challenged)



“ Python技巧”书的封面

If you’re not sure about taking the plunge with some of the larger projects listed above, but the smaller ones don’t interest you either, then you might be wondering what else there is. How on earth can you find something that excites you?

如果您不确定要尝试上面列出的一些较大的项目,但是较小的项目也不感兴趣,那么您可能想知道还有什么。 在地球上,您怎么能找到令您兴奋的东西?

Coding challenges can help you practice your Python skills and gain a surface-level understanding of all the different things you can do with Python.


To put it simply: you’re presented with a problem, and you have to find a solution that uses Python.


You’ll get a chance to develop implementations that make sense to you, but you’ll also have the opportunity to dive deep into the Python language by way of hints. These give you an idea of which modules you should be importing to help you solve the challenge.

您将有机会开发对您有意义的实现,但是您还将有机会通过提示深入了解Python语言。 这些使您了解应导入哪些模块以帮助您解决挑战。

Coding challenges are a great way to learn breadth-first about as many libraries, methods, and frameworks as possible. You’re guaranteed to find something that you’ll want to explore more on your own time. You might even come back to this list and find that something you used in one of your challenges has sparked a new interest for you!

编码挑战是一种了解广度优先,尽可能多地了解库,方法和框架的好方法。 您一定会找到自己想要自己探索的东西。 您甚至可能返回此列表,发现您在其中一项挑战中使用的某些东西激发了您的新兴趣!

To get started, try one of these on for size:


  • The Python Challenge has over 20 levels for you to work through. Create small Python scripts to find a solution to the level. There are hints scattered about the Internet, but try to see the clues and figure it out for yourself!

  • PyBites Code Challenges has 50 challenges and counting! These challenges encourage you to master Python by building applications that accomplish tasks.

  • Python挑战有20多个级别供您练习。 创建小型Python脚本以找到该级别的解决方案。 有关Internet的信息有些零散,但请尝试看看这些线索并自己解决!

  • PyBites代码挑战有50个挑战,而且还在不断增加! 这些挑战鼓励您通过构建完成任务的应用程序来掌握Python。

If you’d rather push yourself by coding through these challenges on your own instead of working through a step-by-step tutorial, then it’s always a good idea to have a resource you can turn to for help. Python Tricks: The Book is an amazing source of information to have on hand when you are working through these challenges. It will take you through some of the lesser-known parts of Python that you’ll need to solve them.

如果您希望自己编写代码来应对这些挑战,而不是一步一步地学习教程,那么拥有可寻求帮助的资源始终是一个好主意。 Python技巧:当您应对这些挑战时,本书是一本非常有用的信息资源。 它会带您解决一些鲜为人知的Python部分,您需要解决它们。

您可能不应该使用Python进行的操作 (What You Probably Shouldn’t Do With Python)

Clearly, Python is an extremely versatile language, and there’s a lot you can do with it. But you can’t do everything with it. In fact, there are some things that Python is not very well suited for at all.

显然,Python是一种极其通用的语言,您可以使用它做很多事情。 但是您不能用它做任何事情。 实际上,有些事情根本不适合使用Python。

As an interpreted language, Python has trouble interacting with low-level devices, like device drivers. For instance, you’d have a problem if you wanted to write an operating system with Python only. You’re better off sticking with C or C++ for low-level applications.

作为一种解释型语言,Python很难与低级设备(例如设备驱动程序)进行交互。 例如,如果您只想用Python编写操作系统,就会遇到问题。 对于底层应用程序,最好还是使用C或C ++。

However, even that might not be true for long. As a testament to Python’s flexibility, there are those out there who are working on projects that extend Python’s usability to low-level interactions. MicroPython is just one of these projects, designing low-level capability for Python.

但是,即使那样可能也不会长期存在。 作为Python灵活性的证明,有些人正在从事将Python的可用性扩展到低级交互的项目。 MicroPython只是这些项目之一,它为Python设计了低级功能。

如果我的想法不在此列表中怎么办? (What if My Idea Isn’t on This List?)

That’s okay! This list isn’t exhaustive—there are countless other tools and applications you can build with Python that we haven’t covered here. Don’t think you’re limited to what’s on this list. It is simply a resource to give you a place to start.

没关系! 此列表并不详尽-您可以使用Python构建的其他工具和应用程序不计其数。 不要认为您仅限于此列表中的内容。 它只是为您提供起点的资源。

This video will give you some ideas on other projects that Python is well-suited for. You can also check out this blog post to learn where to find inspiration for more Python projects.

该视频将为您提供一些Python非常适合的其他项目的想法。 您也可以查看此博客文章,以了解在哪里可以找到更多Python项目的灵感。

In the end, it’s up to you to do the research and find projects that pique your interest. If you’re not sure where to begin, then follow us on Twitter. We regularly share cool and interesting Python projects from our reader community. You might find something that you can’t wait to contribute to!

最后,由您自己进行研究并找到引起您兴趣的项目。 如果您不确定从哪里开始,请在Twitter上关注我们 。 我们定期与读者社区分享有趣而有趣的Python项目。 您可能会发现迫不及待想要贡献自己的东西!

接下来做什么 (What to Do Next)

So there you have it! Eleven ways to start working your way from Python beginner to savvy Pythonista.

所以你有它! 从Python初学者到精通Pythonista的11种开始工作方式。

No matter where you choose to begin, you’re sure to open up countless avenues for developing your programming skills. Pick something—anything—and get started! Do you have an idea for a project that didn’t make this list? Leave a comment down below! You could suggest the perfect project for a fellow programmer.

无论您选择从哪里开始,都一定会为开发编程技能开辟无数途径。 选择任何东西-开始! 您对没有列入此清单​​的项目有想法吗? 在下面留下评论! 您可以为其他程序员建议一个完美的项目。

If you get stuck and need a nudge in the right direction, check out our tips for developing positive learning strategies to help get yourself back on track.


Another great way to get unstuck is to talk it out. Coding doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. If you need a way to ask questions and get answers quickly from knowledgeable professionals, then consider joining the PythonistaCafe. This private community allows you to network with those who will help push you through any walls you may hit on your journey to Python mastery. Click here to learn more, or go ahead an apply!

摆脱粘滞的另一种好方法是说出来。 编码不一定是一项单独的活动。 如果您需要一种方法来提问并快速从博学的专业人士那里获得答案,请考虑加入PythonistaCafe 。 这个私人社区使您可以与那些能够帮助您突破对Python精通之旅的壁垒的人建立联系。 单击此处了解更多信息,或继续申请 !

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2018/06/what-can-i-do-with-python/




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